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The company

Officers of The Company and Sub-Committees

Membership of the Livery comprises some 260 Liverymen (both men and women), a number of distinguished Honorary Liverymen and some Honorary Freemen.

Ultimate authority of the Company rests with the Master supported by the Upper Warden and the Renter Warden. They are however assisted by the Officers of the Company and a number of sub-committees.

Clerks of The Worshipful Company of Fruiterers

The Officers take an active role in the organisation and management of different aspects of the Company.


The Honorary Chaplain
The Gallant & Learned Clerk, who has overall administrative responsibility
The Honorary Archivist
The Honorary Remembrancer
The Honorary Almoner
The Fruit Porter, who prepares the fruit for presentation to the Lord Mayor
The Beadle who attends on the Court

The Masters Committee, Awards Council and Sub-Committees

The Master's Committee

The Master is assisted by a Master’s Committee which advises and supports the Master and puts forward ideas and plans for final approval by the Court.

It also interviews potential Renter Wardens and candidates either for election to the Livery or to serve as Associates.


Two Sub-Committees make recommendations and report to the Master’s Committee on Finance and Membership and Communications (also responsible for the Company Newsletter). The Fundraising sub-committee reports to the Fruiterers Foundation.

These offer the opportunity for Liverymen to participate further in Company affairs and give continuity to the work of the Livery.

The current sub-committee Chairmen are:

  • Finance – Liveryman Robin Dawson

  • Membership & Communications – Honorary Assistant Caroline Hulland

  • Fundraising – Honorary Assistant George Beach

Fruiterers’ Awards Council

Responsibility for the Company’s support for the fruit industry is vested in the Fruiterers Awards Council, currently Chaired by Honorary Assistant Sarah Calcutt. The Council grants awards for excellence and supports education and research into fruit culture and marketing. It administers the major triennial awards – the Lewis Award for Marketing, the Ridley Medal for distinguished services to fruit growing and the Matthew Mack Award for distinguished achievements for training within the fruit industry.

It acts as a catalyst for a variety of educational programmes and also promotes the Company’s annual Environmental Awards.

The Council is also involved in the Tree Planting programme at the Garden of the Year and other prestigious venues.

The Council consists of the Master and Wardens, a Chairman and ten other members to include representatives of the technical, marketing, educational and promotional sectors of the industry

View awards

Find out more about membership of the Company.