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The company

Honorary Chaplains

The Honorary Chaplain is a key role in support of the Master. From providing spiritual guidance, to saying Grace at Company events, he is also an integral part of the Installation Service on St Paul’s Day and latterly has helped to introduce the new tradition of a Company Carol Service.

Honorary chaplains of Worshipful Company of Fruiterers

The Fruiterers do not appear to have had a permanent Chaplain until the year 1892. The only member of the Company in Holy Orders before this date, was the Rev. William McCall, 1868 – 1881; whether he acted as Chaplain is not recorded, but probably he did so during the period of his membership.

The first Chaplain, Dean Hole, took a great interest in all branches of horticulture; he retained his honorary office until 1901. The vacancy was not filled until 1910, when the Rev. Canon Edgar Sheppard, D.D., C.V.O., was appointed by the Court.

Honorary Chaplains from 1892 to Present

The Revd Canon Thomas Woodhouse
2022 - Present
The Very Reverend Mark Philip John Bonney
2017 - 2022
The Rev Canon Nigel Abbott
1990 - 2017
The Rev James Adams
1970 - 1990
The Rev Canon F H Gillingham
1951 - 1953
The Very Reverend Canon H R L Sheppard CH, DD
1934 - 1937
The Rev Canon Edgar Sheppard CVO, DD
1910 - 1921
(Sub-Dean of His Majesty's Chapels Royal)
Domestic Chaplain,
Sub-Almoner to the King and Canon of Windsor
The Rev Samuel Reynolds Hole
1892 - 1901

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