Whilst within the City there are many unusual titles and offices held, that of the Clerk to a City Livery Company is undoubtedly one of the most diverse and multifaceted, and it could be said one of the least well understood. The role of the Clerk is often a mysterious hybrid and no two Clerks have the same job description, duties or terms and conditions of employment.
The company
Clerks of Worshipful Company of Fruiterers
There is no doubt that the office of the Clerk is of very ancient creation, although the first mention of one only occurs in the Charter of James 1 in 1605. As it is likely there were registers to be kept, apprentices to bind, quarterages to collect, and many other matters relating to the working of the Guild, to receive attention, it is more than probable the office existed from the very earliest conception of the Company.
It is hard to find a clear description of the role of the Fruiterers Clerk, as it is so wide and varied. In essence the Clerk is the CEO or COO of the Company, responsible for all aspects of the day to day running of the Company, and duties will include:
- Planning and organising company events
- Administration of the company’s membership records
- Preparation of agendas, minutes and reports for Company meetings
- Answering correspondence sent to the Company & managing the Master’s diary
- Website and social media management
- Membership communications (such as via the newsletter and website)
- Overseeing the company’s IT infrastructure
- Security of the company’s treasures and other property
- Custodianship of the company’s history, customs and traditions
- Liaison with Mansion House and Guildhall (eg. Common Hall)