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The Foundation &

Our Objectives

The Fruiterers Foundation advances fruit-sector education and research, operating independently to ensure effective charitable governance.

What are we...

The Fruiterers Foundation is the body responsible for managing the Charitable part of the Worshipful Company of Fruiterers. It reports to the Charities Commission and by law must remain independent to the Court of Assistants. It is made up of 5 Trustees and 3 Company officers sitting on the Court of Assistants.

The Foundation Objects


To advance education and research in fruit and in all other areas of the fresh produce industry.

To advance such other charitable purposes as the trustees see fit from time to time.

The Foundation Objectives

To advance education and research in fruit and in all other areas of the fresh produce industry

To advance any aspect of fruit culture through scientific research.

To advance education and research in fruit and in all other areas of the fresh produce industry

To advance education and research in fruit and in all other areas of the fresh produce industry

To advance education and research in fruit and in all other areas of the fresh produce industry

To advance education and research in fruit and in all other areas of the fresh produce industry

To advance education and research in fruit and in all other areas of the fresh produce industry

To advance education and research in fruit and in all other areas of the fresh produce industry

To achieve these Objects and Objectives the Foundation has two trust funds:

The Fruiterers Education and Research Fund

The Fruiterers General Charity Fund

How do we operate?


The Chairman

This role is filled by someone who is not fulfilling any other role within the TFF or the Court. They remain independent and have legal or charities specific experience.

Trustee sitting on the Awards Council

They provide the communication link to ensure TFF is always aware of any awards being made and where the money is going to. They report back to the Trustees for further advice and comment.

Trustee sitting on the Finance Sub-Committee

This provides the link between TFF and the finances to understand how our investments are preforming to safeguard future financial commitments.

Trustee responsible for sitting on the Inter Liveries Charities Group

This role provides the link to the wider Livery and ensures TFF is not isolated and remains current with key issues facing all the Livery Charities. It provides a quick and easy resource to compliance and governance issues and solutions.

Trustee from outside the Livery

This ensures independence.

Company Officers sitting as Trustees

These roles are undertaken by the Upper, Master and IPM such that TFF always has 3 Trustees that are sitting on the Court. This provides the link between TFF and the Court/ Corporate affairs of the Fruiterers. The Master gives a Livery update to the Trustees some of whom don’t sit on the Court.

Find out more about membership of the Company.