Presentation of Fruit to the Lord Mayor 2021
27th October 2021
On Wednesday 27th October 2021, The Lord Mayor, Alderman William Russell, accompanied by the Lady
Mayoress, received Mr David Simmons, Immediate Past
Master of the Company, at The Mansion House for the
Annual Presentation of Fruit to the Lord Mayor. Also present
were the Wardens, members of the Company and their
guests. Unfortunately the Master was unable to attend.
The Lord Mayor expressed delight at being able to
participate in this ancient custom, particularly as four
members of his family, all Lord Mayors, had done so before
The spectacular presentation display, together with the
magnificent basket of fruit which was presented to the Lady
Mayoress, were created and donated by Liveryman Peter
Thomas. Most generous gifts – “Thank You”.
With the Company’s duty fulfilled at Mansion House the
party retired to Bakers’ Hall for lunch.
Presentation of Fruit
to the Lord Mayor 2021
Presentation of Fruit
to the Lord Mayor 2021
Presentation of Fruit
to the Lord Mayor 2021