Presentation of Fruit to the Lord Mayor 2018
31st October 2018
An Ancient Custom
The annual ceremony of Presentation of the Fruit to the lord Mayor is an Ancient Custom which continues to this day and whilst albeit in a much reduced format, it is none the less important as it provides both the Fruiterers Company together with the Lord Mayor the opportunity to fulfil their commitments.
At Mansion House this year, the Master John Warner took great pleasure in presenting the Lord Mayor Charles Bowman with a magnificent selection of fruit of which the apples and pears had been kindly donated by the National Fruit Show.
The Mistress Mavis Warner was also delighted to present the Lady Mayoress Samantha Bowman with a fruit basket fruit.
It should be noted that the display and the fruit basket were created by Liveryman Peter Thomas who was ably assisted by the Honorary Fruit Porter Jimmy Huddart who also spoke during the ceremony.
Following the ceremony and prior to departure, the Lord Mayor’s most generous hospitality was enjoyed and hugely appreciated by Past Masters, Liverymen, Officers of the Company together with their families and friends.
With the Company’s commitment fulfilled, it was time for the group of forty or more to head off to Bakers’ Hall where following our busy morning at Mansion House, a hearty lunch awaited us!