National Cherry & Soft Fruit Show 2020
10th July 2020
Life is Just a Bowl of Cherries!
Growers of cherries and soft fruit are used to facing the challenges of climate and market conditions and this year has been no exception with the addition of the Coronavirus pandemic to contend with.
“Life is just a bowl of cherries
Don't take it serious; it's too mysterious”
The well-known words of Doris Day’s famous song must have come to mind to growers and judges alike at this year’s National Cherry & Soft Fruit Show which was aptly named a “Covid Special.”
The show which has a proud history of displaying the finest cherries and soft fruit in production, took place this year on Friday 10th July and was held by kind permission of William Dawes at Mount Ephraim Gardens, Faversham, Kent.
Despite the different and difficult circumstances to cope with during production time there remained a highly competitive spirit among all those participating which produced the finest cherries and soft fruit!
Our pictures show fruit grower (but not cherries) Master Fruiterer David Simmons who was invited to assist with the judging of the excellent entries on display.
Also in attendance were Past Master Henry Bryant, Past Master Sandys Dawes and Liveryman Matt Hancock.